Source code for google_music.clients.mobileclient

__all__ = ['MobileClient']

import re
from collections import defaultdict
from operator import itemgetter
from uuid import getnode as get_mac
from uuid import uuid4

import google_music_proto.mobileclient.calls as mc_calls
import more_itertools
from google_music_proto.mobileclient.types import (
from google_music_proto.oauth import IOS_CLIENT_ID, IOS_CLIENT_SECRET, MOBILE_SCOPE
from tbm_utils import cast_to_list

from .base import GoogleMusicClient
from ..token_handlers import FileTokenHandler
from ..utils import create_mac_string, get_ple_prev_next

# TODO: 'max_results', 'start_token', 'updated_min', 'quality', etc.
# TODO: Podcast edits.
# TODO: Station create/edit.
# TODO: Difference between shuffles and instant mixes?
# TODO: Situations are now returned through a protobuf call?

[docs]class MobileClient(GoogleMusicClient): """API wrapper class to access Google Music mobile client functionality. >>> from google_music import MobileClient >>> mc = MobileClient('username') Note: Streaming requires a ``device_id`` from a valid, linked mobile device. The :class:`MobileClient` instance's ``device_id`` can be changed after instantiation, or a different ``device_id`` provided to :meth:`stream` or :meth:`stream_url`. Parameters: username (str, Optional): Your Google Music username. Used to store OAuth tokens for multiple accounts separately. device_id (str, Optional): A mobile device ID. Default: MAC address is used. locale (str, Optional): `ICU <>`__ locale used to localize some responses. This must be a locale supported by Android. Default: ``'en_US'``. session (:class:`~google_music.GoogleMusicSession`, Optional): A session compatible with :class:`GoogleMusicSession`. token (dict, Optional): An OAuth token compatible with ``oauthlib``. token_handler (:class:`~google_music.TokenHandler`, Optional): A token handler class compatible with :class:`TokenHandler` for dumping and loading the OAuth token. token_handler_kwargs (dict, Optional): Keyword arguments to pass to the ``token_handler`` class. These become attributes on the class instance. """ client = 'mobileclient' client_id = IOS_CLIENT_ID client_secret = IOS_CLIENT_SECRET oauth_scope = MOBILE_SCOPE def __init__( self, username=None, device_id=None, *, locale='en_US', session=None, token=None, token_handler=FileTokenHandler, token_handler_kwargs=None ): super().__init__( username, session=session, token=token, token_handler=token_handler, token_handler_kwargs=None ) if self.login(): self.locale = locale self.tier = 'fr' if device_id is None: mac_int = get_mac() if (mac_int >> 40) % 2: raise OSError("A valid MAC address could not be obtained.") self.device_id = create_mac_string(mac_int, delimiter='') else: self.device_id = device_id self.is_subscribed def __repr__(self): return f"MobileClient(username={self.username!r}, device_id={self.device_id}, token={self.token}, locale={self.locale})" @property def device_id(self): """The mobile device ID of the :class:`MobileClient` instance.""" return self._session.headers.get('X-Device-ID') @device_id.setter def device_id(self, device_id): self._session.headers.update({'X-Device-ID': device_id}) @property def is_subscribed(self): """The subscription status of the account linked to the :class:`MobileClient` instance.""" subscribed = next( ( config_item['value'] == 'true' for config_item in self.config() if config_item['key'] == 'isNautilusUser' ), None ) if subscribed: self.tier = 'aa' else: self.tier = 'fr' return subscribed @property def locale(self): """The locale of the :class:`MobileClient` instance. Can be changed after instantiation. `ICU <>`__ locale used to localize some responses. This must be a locale supported by Android. """ return self._session.params.get('hl') @locale.setter def locale(self, locale): self._session.params.update({'hl': locale}) @property def tier(self): """The subscription tier of the :class:`MobileClient` instance. Can be changed after instantiation. ``aa`` if subscribed, ``fr`` if not. """ return self._session.params.get('tier') @tier.setter def tier(self, tier): self._session.params.update( {'tier': tier} )
[docs] def album(self, album_id, *, include_description=True, include_songs=True): """Get information about an album. Parameters: album_id (str): An album ID. Album IDs start with a 'B'. include_description (bool, Optional): Include description of the album in the returned dict. include_songs (bool, Optional): Include songs from the album in the returned dict. Default: ``True``. Returns: dict: Album information. """ response = self._call( mc_calls.FetchAlbum, album_id, include_description=include_description, include_tracks=include_songs, ) album_info = response.body return album_info
[docs] def artist( self, artist_id, *, include_albums=True, num_related_artists=5, num_top_tracks=5 ): """Get information about an artist. Parameters: artist_id (str): An artist ID. Artist IDs start with an 'A'. include_albums (bool, Optional): Include albums by the artist in returned dict. Default: ``True``. num_related_artists (int, Optional): Include up to given number of related artists in returned dict. Default: ``5``. num_top_tracks (int, Optional): Include up to given number of top tracks in returned dict. Default: ``5``. Returns: dict: Artist information. """ response = self._call( mc_calls.FetchArtist, artist_id, include_albums=include_albums, num_related_artists=num_related_artists, num_top_tracks=num_top_tracks, ) artist_info = response.body return artist_info
[docs] def browse_podcasts(self, podcast_genre_id='JZCpodcasttopchartall'): """Get the podcasts for a genre from the Podcasts browse tab. Parameters: podcast_genre_id (str, Optional): A podcast genre ID as found in :meth:`browse_podcasts_genres`. Default: ``'JZCpodcasttopchartall'``. Returns: list: Podcast dicts. """ response = self._call( mc_calls.PodcastBrowse, podcast_genre_id=podcast_genre_id ) podcast_series_list = response.body.get('series', []) return podcast_series_list
[docs] def browse_podcasts_genres(self): """Get the genres from the Podcasts browse tab dropdown. Returns: list: Genre groups that contain sub groups. """ response = self._call(mc_calls.PodcastBrowseHierarchy) genres = response.body.get('groups', []) return genres
[docs] def browse_stations(self, station_category_id): """Get the stations for a category from Browse Stations. Parameters: station_category_id (str): A station category ID as found with :meth:`browse_stations_categories`. Returns: list: Station dicts. """ response = self._call( mc_calls.BrowseStations, station_category_id ) stations = response.body.get('stations', []) return stations
[docs] def browse_stations_categories(self): """Get the categories from Browse Stations. Returns: list: Station categories that can contain subcategories. """ response = self._call(mc_calls.BrowseStationCategories) station_categories = response.body.get('root', {}).get('subcategories', []) return station_categories
[docs] def config(self): """Get a listing of mobile client configuration settings.""" response = self._call(mc_calls.Config) config_list = response.body.get('data', {}).get('entries', []) return config_list
# TODO: Check success/failure?
[docs] def device_deauthorize(self, device): """Deauthorize a registered device. Parameters: device (dict): A device dict as returned by :meth:`devices`. """ self._call( mc_calls.DeviceManagementInfoDelete, device['id'] )
# TODO: Set device dict as property of MobileClient?
[docs] def device_set(self, device): """Set device used by :class:`MobileClient` instance. Parameters: device (dict): A device dict as returned by :meth:`devices`. """ if device['id'].startswith('0x'): self.device_id = device['id'][2:] elif device['id'].startswith('ios:'): self.device_id = device['id'].replace(':', '') else: self.device_id = device['id']
[docs] def devices(self): """Get a listing of devices registered to the Google Music account.""" response = self._call(mc_calls.DeviceManagementInfo) registered_devices = response.body.get('data', {}).get('items', []) return registered_devices
[docs] def explore_genres(self, parent_genre_id=None): """Get a listing of song genres. Parameters: parent_genre_id (str, Optional): A genre ID. If given, a listing of this genre's sub-genres is returned. Returns: list: Genre dicts. """ response = self._call( mc_calls.ExploreGenres, parent_genre_id ) genre_list = response.body.get('genres', []) return genre_list
[docs] def explore_tabs(self, *, num_items=100, genre_id=None): """Get a listing of explore tabs. Parameters: num_items (int, Optional): Number of items per tab to return. Default: ``100`` genre_id (genre_id, Optional): Genre ID from :meth:`explore_genres` to explore. Default: ``None``. Returns: dict: Explore tabs content. """ response = self._call( mc_calls.ExploreTabs, num_items=num_items, genre_id=genre_id ) tab_list = response.body.get('tabs', []) explore_tabs = {} for tab in tab_list: explore_tabs[tab['tab_type'].lower()] = tab return explore_tabs
[docs] def listen_now_dismissed_items(self): """Get a listing of items dismissed from Listen Now tab.""" response = self._call(mc_calls.ListenNowGetDismissedItems) dismissed_items = response.body.get('items', []) return dismissed_items
[docs] def listen_now_items(self): """Get a listing of Listen Now items. Note: This does not include situations; use the :meth:`situations` method instead. Returns: dict: With ``albums`` and ``stations`` keys of listen now items. """ response = self._call(mc_calls.ListenNowGetListenNowItems) listen_now_item_list = response.body.get('listennow_items', []) listen_now_items = defaultdict(list) for item in listen_now_item_list: type_ = f"{ListenNowItemType(item['type']).name}s" listen_now_items[type_].append(item) return dict(listen_now_items)
def new_releases(self, genre_id=None): new_releases_tab = self.explore_tabs(genre_id=genre_id)['new_releases'] new_releases = [] if 'groups' in new_releases_tab: for group in new_releases_tab['groups']: for entity in group['entities']: del entity['kind'] new_releases.append(entity.popitem()[1]) return new_releases
[docs] def playlist_song(self, playlist_song_id): """Get information about a playlist song. Note: This returns the playlist entry information only. For full song metadata, use :meth:`song` with the ``'trackId'`` field. Parameters: playlist_song_id (str): A playlist song ID. Returns: dict: Playlist song information. """ playlist_song_info = next( ( playlist_song for playlist in self.playlists(include_songs=True) for playlist_song in playlist['tracks'] if playlist_song['id'] == playlist_song_id ), None ) return playlist_song_info
[docs] @cast_to_list def playlist_songs_add( self, songs, playlist, *, after=None, before=None, index=None, position=None ): """Add songs to a playlist. Note: * Provide no optional arguments to add to end. * Provide playlist song dicts for ``after`` and/or ``before``. * Provide a zero-based ``index``. * Provide a one-based ``position``. Songs are inserted *at* given index or position. It's also possible to add to the end by using ``len(songs)`` for index or ``len(songs) + 1`` for position. Parameters: songs (dict or list): A song dict or a list of song dicts. playlist (dict): A playlist dict. after (dict, Optional): A playlist song dict ``songs`` will follow. before (dict, Optional): A playlist song dict ``songs`` will precede. index (int, Optional): The zero-based index position to insert ``songs``. position (int, Optional): The one-based position to insert ``songs``. Returns: dict: Playlist dict including songs. """ playlist_songs = self.playlist_songs(playlist) prev, next_ = get_ple_prev_next( playlist_songs, after=after, before=before, index=index, position=position ) prev_id = prev.get('id') next_id = next_.get('id') mutations = [] for song in songs: if 'storeId' in song: song_id = song['storeId'] elif 'trackId' in song: song_id = song['trackId'] else: song_id = song['id'] ple_id = str(uuid4()) mutation = mc_calls.PlaylistEntriesBatch.create( song_id, playlist['id'], playlist_entry_id=ple_id, preceding_entry_id=prev_id, following_entry_id=next_id, ) mutations.append(mutation) prev_id = ple_id self._call( mc_calls.PlaylistEntriesBatch, mutations ) return self.playlist( playlist['id'], include_songs=True )
[docs] @cast_to_list def playlist_songs_delete(self, playlist_songs): """Delete songs from playlist. Parameters: playlist_songs (dict or list): A playlist song dict or a list of playlist song dicts. Returns: dict: Playlist dict including songs. """ if not more_itertools.all_equal( playlist_song['playlistId'] for playlist_song in playlist_songs ): raise ValueError("All 'playlist_songs' must be from the same playlist.") mutations = [ mc_calls.PlaylistEntriesBatch.delete(playlist_song['id']) for playlist_song in playlist_songs ] self._call( mc_calls.PlaylistEntriesBatch, mutations) return self.playlist( playlist_songs[0]['playlistId'], include_songs=True )
[docs] @cast_to_list def playlist_songs_move( self, playlist_songs, *, after=None, before=None, index=None, position=None ): """Move songs in a playlist. Note: * Provide no optional arguments to move to end. * Provide playlist song dicts for ``after`` and/or ``before``. * Provide a zero-based ``index``. * Provide a one-based ``position``. Songs are inserted *at* given index or position. It's also possible to move to the end by using ``len(songs)`` for index or ``len(songs) + 1`` for position. Parameters: playlist_songs (list): A list of playlist song dicts. after (dict, Optional): A playlist song dict ``songs`` will follow. before (dict, Optional): A playlist song dict ``songs`` will precede. index (int, Optional): The zero-based index position to insert ``songs``. position (int, Optional): The one-based position to insert ``songs``. Returns: dict: Playlist dict including songs. """ if not more_itertools.all_equal( playlist_song['playlistId'] for playlist_song in playlist_songs ): raise ValueError("All 'playlist_songs' must be from the same playlist.") playlist = self.playlist(playlist_songs[0]['playlistId'], include_songs=True) prev, next_ = get_ple_prev_next( playlist['tracks'], after=after, before=before, index=index, position=position, ) prev_id = prev.get('id') next_id = next_.get('id') mutations = [] for playlist_song in playlist_songs: mutation = mc_calls.PlaylistEntriesBatch.update( playlist_song, preceding_entry_id=prev_id, following_entry_id=next_id ) mutations.append(mutation) prev_id = playlist_song['id'] self._call( mc_calls.PlaylistEntriesBatch, mutations ) return self.playlist( playlist['id'], include_songs=True )
[docs] def playlist_songs(self, playlist): """Get a listing of songs from a playlist. Paramters: playlist (dict): A playlist dict. Returns: list: Playlist song dicts. """ playlist_type = playlist.get('type') playlist_song_list = [] if playlist_type in ('USER_GENERATED', None): start_token = None playlist_song_list = [] while True: response = self._call( mc_calls.PlaylistEntryFeed, max_results=49995, start_token=start_token, ) items = response.body.get('data', {}).get('items', []) if items: playlist_song_list.extend(items) start_token = response.body.get('nextPageToken') if start_token is None: break elif playlist_type == 'SHARED': playlist_share_token = playlist['shareToken'] start_token = None playlist_song_list = [] while True: response = self._call( mc_calls.PlaylistEntriesShared, playlist_share_token, max_results=49995, start_token=start_token, ) entry = response.body['entries'][0] items = entry.get('playlistEntry', []) if items: playlist_song_list.extend(items) start_token = entry.get('nextPageToken') if start_token is None: break playlist_song_list.sort(key=itemgetter('absolutePosition')) return playlist_song_list
[docs] def playlist(self, playlist_id, *, include_songs=False): """Get information about a playlist. Parameters: playlist_id (str): A playlist ID. include_songs (bool, Optional): Include songs from the playlist in the returned dict. Default: ``False`` Returns: dict: Playlist information. """ playlist_info = next( ( playlist for playlist in self.playlists(include_songs=include_songs) if playlist['id'] == playlist_id ), None ) return playlist_info
[docs] def playlist_create( self, name, description='', *, public=False, songs=None ): """Create a playlist. Parameters: name (str): Name to give the playlist. description (str): Description to give the playlist. public (bool, Optional): If ``True`` and account has a subscription, make playlist public. Default: ``False`` songs (list, Optional): A list of song dicts to add to the playlist. Returns: dict: Playlist information. """ share_state = 'PUBLIC' if public else 'PRIVATE' playlist = self._call( mc_calls.PlaylistsCreate, name, description, share_state ).body if songs: playlist = self.playlist_songs_add( songs, playlist ) return playlist
# TODO: Check success/failure?
[docs] def playlist_delete(self, playlist): """Delete a playlist. Parameters: playlist (dict): A playlist dict. """ self._call( mc_calls.PlaylistsDelete, playlist['id'] )
[docs] def playlist_edit( self, playlist, *, name=None, description=None, public=None ): """Edit playlist(s). Parameters: playlist (dict): A playlist dict. name (str): Name to give the playlist. description (str, Optional): Description to give the playlist. public (bool, Optional): If ``True`` and account has a subscription, make playlist public. Default: ``False`` Returns: dict: Playlist information. """ if all( value is None for value in (name, description, public) ): raise ValueError( 'At least one of name, description, or public must be provided' ) playlist_id = playlist['id'] playlist = self.playlist(playlist_id) name = name if name is not None else playlist['name'] description = ( description if description is not None else playlist['description'] ) share_state = 'PUBLIC' if public else playlist['accessControlled'] playlist = self._call( mc_calls.PlaylistsUpdate, playlist_id, name, description, share_state ).body return playlist
[docs] def playlist_subscribe(self, playlist): """Subscribe to a public playlist. Parameters: playlist (dict): A public playlist dict. Returns: dict: Playlist information. """ mutation = mc_calls.PlaylistBatch.create( playlist['name'], playlist['description'], 'SHARED', owner_name=playlist.get('ownerName', ''), share_token=playlist['shareToken'], ) response_body = self._call( mc_calls.PlaylistBatch, mutation ).body playlist_id = response_body['mutate_response'][0]['id'] return self.playlist(playlist_id)
# TODO: Check success/failure?
[docs] def playlist_unsubscribe(self, playlist): """Unsubscribe from a public playlist. Parameters: playlist (dict): A public playlist dict. """ self.playlist_delete(playlist)
[docs] def playlists(self, *, include_songs=False): """Get a listing of library playlists. Parameters: include_songs (bool, Optional): Include songs in the returned playlist dicts. Default: ``False``. Returns: list: A list of playlist dicts. """ playlist_list = [] for chunk in self.playlists_iter(page_size=49995): for playlist in chunk: if include_songs: playlist['tracks'] = self.playlist_songs(playlist) playlist_list.append(playlist) return playlist_list
[docs] def playlists_iter(self, *, start_token=None, page_size=250): """Get a paged iterator of library playlists. Parameters: start_token (str): The token of the page to return. Default: Not sent to get first page. page_size (int, Optional): The maximum number of results per returned page. Max allowed is ``49995``. Default: ``250`` Yields: list: Playlist dicts. """ start_token = None while True: response = self._call( mc_calls.PlaylistFeed, max_results=page_size, start_token=start_token ) items = response.body.get('data', {}).get('items', []) if items: yield items start_token = response.body.get('nextPageToken') if start_token is None: break
[docs] def podcast(self, podcast_series_id, *, max_episodes=50): """Get information about a podcast series. Parameters: podcast_series_id (str): A podcast series ID. max_episodes (int, Optional): Include up to given number of episodes in returned dict. Default: ``50`` Returns: dict: Podcast series information. """ podcast_info = self._call( mc_calls.PodcastFetchSeries, podcast_series_id, max_episodes=max_episodes ).body return podcast_info
[docs] def podcasts(self, *, device_id=None): """Get a listing of subsribed podcast series. Paramaters: device_id (str, Optional): A mobile device ID. Default: Use :attr:`device_id`. Returns: list: Podcast series dict. """ if device_id is None: device_id = self.device_id podcast_list = [] for chunk in self.podcasts_iter(device_id=device_id, page_size=49995): podcast_list.extend(chunk) return podcast_list
[docs] def podcasts_iter(self, *, device_id=None, page_size=250): """Get a paged iterator of subscribed podcast series. Parameters: device_id (str, Optional): A mobile device ID. Default: Use :attr:`device_id`. page_size (int, Optional): The maximum number of results per returned page. Max allowed is ``49995``. Default: ``250`` Yields: list: Podcast series dicts. """ if device_id is None: device_id = self.device_id start_token = None prev_items = None while True: response = self._call( mc_calls.PodcastSeries, device_id, max_results=page_size, start_token=start_token, ) items = response.body.get('data', {}).get('items', []) # Google does some weird shit. if items != prev_items: subscribed_podcasts = [ item for item in items if item.get('userPreferences', {}).get('subscribed') ] yield subscribed_podcasts prev_items = items else: break start_token = response.body.get('nextPageToken') if start_token is None: break
[docs] def podcast_episode(self, podcast_episode_id): """Get information about a podcast_episode. Parameters: podcast_episode_id (str): A podcast episode ID. Returns: dict: Podcast episode information. """ response = self._call( mc_calls.PodcastFetchEpisode, podcast_episode_id ) podcast_episode_info = [ podcast_episode for podcast_episode in response.body if not podcast_episode['deleted'] ] return podcast_episode_info
[docs] def podcast_episodes(self, *, device_id=None): """Get a listing of podcast episodes for all subscribed podcasts. Paramaters: device_id (str, Optional): A mobile device ID. Default: Use ``device_id`` of the :class:`MobileClient` instance. Returns: list: Podcast episode dicts. """ if device_id is None: device_id = self.device_id podcast_episode_list = [] for chunk in self.podcast_episodes_iter(device_id=device_id, page_size=49995): podcast_episode_list.extend(chunk) return podcast_episode_list
[docs] def podcast_episodes_iter(self, *, device_id=None, page_size=250): """Get a paged iterator of podcast episode for all subscribed podcasts. Parameters: device_id (str, Optional): A mobile device ID. Default: Use :attr:`device_id`. page_size (int, Optional): The maximum number of results per returned page. Max allowed is ``49995``. Default: ``250`` Yields: list: Podcast episode dicts. """ if device_id is None: device_id = self.device_id start_token = None prev_items = None while True: response = self._call( mc_calls.PodcastEpisode, device_id, max_results=page_size, start_token=start_token, ) items = response.body.get('data', {}).get('items', []) # Google does some weird shit. if items != prev_items: yield items prev_items = items else: break start_token = response.body.get('nextPageToken') if start_token is None: break
[docs] def search(self, query, *, max_results=100, **kwargs): """Search Google Music and library for content. Parameters: query (str): Search text. max_results (int, Optional): Maximum number of results per type per location to retrieve. I.e up to 100 Google and 100 library for a total of 200 for the default value. Google only accepts values up to 100. Default: ``100`` kwargs (bool, Optional): Any of: - ``'albums'`` - ``'artists'`` - ``'genres'`` - ``'playlists'`` - ``'podcasts'`` - ``'situations'`` - ``'songs'`` - ``'stations'`` - ``'videos'`` set to ``True`` will include that result type in the returned dict. Setting none of them will include all result types in the returned dict. Returns: dict: A dict of results separated into keys: - ``'albums'`` - ``'artists'`` - ``'genres'`` - ``'playlists'`` - ```'podcasts'`` - ``'situations'``, - ``'songs'`` - ``'stations'`` - ``'videos'`` Note: Free account search is restricted so may not contain hits for all result types. """ results = defaultdict(list) for type_, results_ in self.search_library( query, max_results=max_results, **kwargs ).items(): results[type_].extend(results_) for type_, results_ in self.search_google( query, max_results=max_results, **kwargs ).items(): results[type_].extend(results_) return dict(results)
[docs] def search_google(self, query, *, max_results=100, **kwargs): """Search Google Music for content. Parameters: query (str): Search text. max_results (int, Optional): Maximum number of results per type to retrieve. Google only accepts values up to 100. Default: ``100`` kwargs (bool, Optional): Any of: - ``'albums'`` - ``'artists'`` - ``'genres'`` - ``'playlists'`` - ``'podcasts'`` - ``'situations'`` - ``'songs'`` - ``'stations'`` - ``'videos'`` set to ``True`` will include that result type in the returned dict. Setting none of them will include all result types in the returned dict. Returns: dict: A dict of results separated into keys: - ``albums`` - ``artists`` - ``genres`` - ``playlists`` - ``podcasts`` - ``situations`` - ``songs`` - ``stations`` - ``videos`` Note: Free account search is restricted so may not contain hits for all result types. """ response = self._call( mc_calls.Query, query, max_results=max_results, **kwargs ) clusters = response.body.get('clusterDetail', []) results = defaultdict(list) for cluster in clusters: result_type = QueryResultType(cluster['cluster']['type']).name entries = cluster.get('entries', []) if len(entries) > 0: for entry in entries: item_key = next( key for key in entry if key not in ['cluster', 'score', 'type'] ) results[f"{result_type}s"].append(entry[item_key]) return dict(results)
[docs] def search_library(self, query, *, max_results=100, **kwargs): """Search Google Music for content. Parameters: query (str): Search text. max_results (int, Optional): Maximum number of results per type to retrieve. Default: ``100`` kwargs (bool, Optional): Any of: - ``'playlists'`` - ``'podcasts'`` - ``'songs'`` - ``'stations'`` set to ``True`` will include that result type in the returned dict. Setting none of them will include all result types in the returned dict. Returns: dict: A dict of results separated into keys: - ``'playlists'`` - ``'podcasts'`` - ``'songs'`` - ``'stations'`` """ def match_fields(item, fields): return any( query.casefold() in item.get(field, '').casefold() for field in fields ) types = [ ( 'playlists', ['description', 'name'], self.playlists, ), ( 'podcasts', ['author', 'description', 'title'], self.podcasts, ), ( 'songs', ['album', 'albumArtist', 'artist', 'composer', 'genre', 'title'], self.songs, ), ( 'stations', ['byline', 'description', 'name'], self.stations, ), ] results = {} for type_, fields, func in types: if (not kwargs) or (type_ in kwargs): results[type_] = [ item for item in func() if match_fields(item, fields) ][:max_results] return results
[docs] def search_suggestion(self, query): """Get search query suggestions for query. Parameters: query (str): Search text. Returns: list: Suggested query strings. """ response = self._call(mc_calls.QuerySuggestion, query) suggested_queries = response.body.get('suggested_queries', []) return [ suggested_query['suggestion_string'] for suggested_query in suggested_queries ]
[docs] def shuffle_album( self, album, *, num_songs=100, only_library=False, recently_played=None ): """Get a listing of album shuffle/mix songs. Parameters: album (dict): An album dict. num_songs (int, Optional): The maximum number of songs to return from the station. Default: ``100`` only_library (bool, Optional): Only return content from library. Default: False recently_played (list, Optional): A list of dicts in the form of {'id': '', 'type'} where ``id`` is a song ID and ``type`` is 0 for a library song and 1 for a store song. Returns: list: List of album shuffle/mix songs. """ station_info = { 'seed': { 'albumId': album['albumId'], 'seedType': StationSeedType.album.value, }, 'num_entries': num_songs, 'library_content_only': only_library, } if recently_played is not None: station_info['recently_played'] = recently_played response = self._call( mc_calls.RadioStationFeed, station_infos=[station_info] ) station_feed = response.body.get('data', {}).get('stations', []) try: station = station_feed[0] except IndexError: station = {} return station.get('tracks', [])
[docs] def shuffle_artist( self, artist, *, num_songs=100, only_library=False, recently_played=None, only_artist=False ): """Get a listing of artist shuffle/mix songs. Parameters: artist (dict): An artist dict. num_songs (int, Optional): The maximum number of songs to return from the station. Default: ``100`` only_library (bool, Optional): Only return content from library. Default: False recently_played (list, Optional): A list of dicts in the form of {'id': '', 'type'} where ``id`` is a song ID and ``type`` is 0 for a library song and 1 for a store song. only_artist (bool, Optional): If ``True``, only return songs from the artist, else return songs from artist and related artists. Default: ``False`` Returns: list: List of artist shuffle/mix songs. """ station_info = { 'num_entries': num_songs, 'library_content_only': only_library, } if only_artist: station_info['seed'] = { 'artistId': artist['artistId'], 'seedType': StationSeedType.artist_only.value, } else: station_info['seed'] = { 'artistId': artist['artistId'], 'seedType': StationSeedType.artist_related.value, } if recently_played is not None: station_info['recently_played'] = recently_played response = self._call( mc_calls.RadioStationFeed, station_infos=[station_info] ) station_feed = response.body.get('data', {}).get('stations', []) try: station = station_feed[0] except IndexError: station = {} return station.get('tracks', [])
[docs] def shuffle_genre( self, genre, *, num_songs=100, only_library=False, recently_played=None ): """Get a listing of genre shuffle/mix songs. Parameters: genre (dict): A genre dict. num_songs (int, Optional): The maximum number of songs to return from the station. Default: ``100`` only_library (bool, Optional): Only return content from library. Default: False recently_played (list, Optional): A list of dicts in the form of {'id': '', 'type'} where ``id`` is a song ID and ``type`` is 0 for a library song and 1 for a store song. Returns: list: List of genre shuffle/mix songs. """ station_info = { 'seed': { 'genreId': genre['id'], 'seedType': StationSeedType.genre.value, }, 'num_entries': num_songs, 'library_content_only': only_library, } if recently_played is not None: station_info['recently_played'] = recently_played response = self._call( mc_calls.RadioStationFeed, station_infos=[station_info] ) station_feed = response.body.get('data', {}).get('stations', []) try: station = station_feed[0] except IndexError: station = {} return station.get('tracks', [])
[docs] def shuffle_song( self, song, *, num_songs=100, only_library=False, recently_played=None ): """Get a listing of song shuffle/mix songs. Parameters: song (dict): A song dict. num_songs (int, Optional): The maximum number of songs to return from the station. Default: ``100`` only_library (bool, Optional): Only return content from library. Default: False recently_played (list, Optional): A list of dicts in the form of {'id': '', 'type'} where ``id`` is a song ID and ``type`` is 0 for a library song and 1 for a store song. Returns: list: List of artist shuffle/mix songs. """ station_info = { 'num_entries': num_songs, 'library_content_only': only_library, } if 'storeId' in song: station_info['seed'] = { 'trackId': song['storeId'], 'seedType': StationSeedType.store_track.value, } else: station_info['seed'] = { 'trackLockerId': song['id'], 'seedType': StationSeedType.library_track.value, } if recently_played is not None: station_info['recently_played'] = recently_played response = self._call(mc_calls.RadioStationFeed, station_infos=[station_info]) station_feed = response.body.get('data', {}).get('stations', []) try: station = station_feed[0] except IndexError: station = {} return station.get('tracks', [])
[docs] def situations(self, *, tz_offset=None): """Get a listing of situations. Parameters: tz_offset (int, Optional): A timezone offset from UTC in seconds. """ response = self._call( mc_calls.ListenNowSituations, tz_offset ) situation_list = response.body.get('situations', []) return situation_list
[docs] def song(self, song_id): """Get information about a song. Parameters: song_id (str): A song ID. Returns: dict: Song information. """ if song_id.startswith('T'): song_info = self._call( mc_calls.FetchTrack, song_id ).body else: song_info = next( ( song for song in self.songs() if song['id'] == song_id ), None ) return song_info
[docs] @cast_to_list def songs_add(self, songs): """Add store songs to your library. Parameters: songs (list): A store song dict or a list of store song dicts. Returns: list: Songs' library IDs. """ mutations = [ mc_calls.TrackBatch.add(song) for song in songs ] response = self._call( mc_calls.TrackBatch, mutations ) success_ids = [ res['id'] for res in response.body['mutate_response'] if res['response_code'] == 'OK' ] return [ for success_id in success_ids ]
[docs] @cast_to_list def songs_delete(self, songs): """Delete songs from library. Parameters: songs (list): A library song dict or a list of library song dicts. Returns: list: Successfully deleted song IDs. """ mutations = [ mc_calls.TrackBatch.delete(song['id']) for song in songs ] response = self._call( mc_calls.TrackBatch, mutations ) success_ids = [ res['id'] for res in response.body['mutate_response'] if res['response_code'] == 'OK' ] # TODO: Report failures. # failure_ids = [ # res['id'] # for res in response.body['mutate_response'] # if res['response_code'] != 'OK' # ] return success_ids
[docs] @cast_to_list def songs_play(self, songs): """Add play to song play count. Parameters: songs (dict or list): A song dict or a list of song dicts. Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful, ``False`` if not. """ events = [] for song in songs: if 'id' in song: song_id = song['id'] elif 'trackId' in song: song_id = song['trackId'] else: song_id = song['storeId'] song_duration = song['durationMillis'] events.append( song_id, song_duration ) ) self._call( mc_calls.ActivityRecordRealtime, events) return [ for song in songs ]
[docs] @cast_to_list def songs_rate(self, songs, rating): """Rate song. Parameters: songs (dict or list): A song dict or a list of song dicts. rating (int): 0 (not rated), 1 (thumbs down), or 5 (thumbs up). Returns: bool: ``True`` if successful, ``False`` if not. """ events = [] for song in songs: if 'id' in song: song_id = song['id'] elif 'trackId' in song: song_id = song['trackId'] else: song_id = song['storeId'] events.append( mc_calls.ActivityRecordRealtime.rate( song_id, rating ) ) self._call( mc_calls.ActivityRecordRealtime, events ) return [ for song in songs ]
[docs] def songs(self): """Get a listing of library songs. Returns: list: Song dicts. """ song_list = [] for chunk in self.songs_iter(page_size=49995): song_list.extend(chunk) return song_list
[docs] def songs_iter(self, *, page_size=250): """Get a paged iterator of library songs. Parameters: page_size (int, Optional): The maximum number of results per returned page. Max allowed is ``49995``. Default: ``250`` Yields: list: Song dicts. """ start_token = None while True: response = self._call( mc_calls.TrackFeed, max_results=page_size, start_token=start_token ) items = response.body.get('data', {}).get('items', []) if items: yield items start_token = response.body.get('nextPageToken') if start_token is None: break
# TODO: Investigate library_content_only. # TODO: Figure out 'radio/stationfeed'.
[docs] def station(self, station_id, *, num_songs=25, recently_played=None): """Get information about a station. Parameters: station_id (str): A station ID. Use 'IFL' for I'm Feeling Lucky. num_songs (int, Optional): The maximum number of songs to return from the station. Default: ``25`` recently_played (list, Optional): A list of dicts in the form of {'id': '', 'type'} where ``id`` is a song ID and ``type`` is 0 for a library song and 1 for a store song. Returns: dict: Station information. """ station_info = { 'station_id': station_id, 'num_entries': num_songs, 'library_content_only': False, } if recently_played is not None: station_info['recently_played'] = recently_played response = self._call( mc_calls.RadioStationFeed, station_infos=[station_info] ) station_feed = response.body.get('data', {}).get('stations', []) try: station = station_feed[0] except IndexError: station = {} return station
# TODO: Figure out 'radio/stationfeed'.
[docs] def station_feed(self, *, num_songs=25, num_stations=4): """Generate stations. Note: A Google Music subscription is required. Parameters: num_songs (int, Optional): The total number of songs to return. Default: ``25`` num_stations (int, Optional): The number of stations to return when no station_infos is provided. Default: ``5`` Returns: list: Station information dicts. """ response = self._call( mc_calls.RadioStationFeed, num_entries=num_songs, num_stations=num_stations ) station_feed = response.body.get('data', {}).get('stations', []) return station_feed
[docs] def station_songs(self, station, *, num_songs=25, recently_played=None): """Get a listing of songs from a station. Parameters: station (str): A station dict. num_songs (int, Optional): The maximum number of songs to return from the station. Default: ``25`` recently_played (list, Optional): A list of dicts in the form of {'id': '', 'type'} where ``id`` is a song ID and ``type`` is 0 for a library song and 1 for a store song. Returns: list: Station song dicts. """ station_id = station['id'] station = self.station( station_id, num_songs=num_songs, recently_played=recently_played ) return station.get('tracks', [])
[docs] def stations(self, *, generated=True, library=True): """Get a listing of library stations. The listing can contain stations added to the library and generated from the library. Parameters: generated (bool, Optional): Include generated stations. Default: True library (bool, Optional): Include library stations. Default: True Returns: list: Station information dicts. """ station_list = [] for chunk in self.stations_iter(page_size=49995): for station in chunk: if ( (generated and not station.get('inLibrary')) or (library and station.get('inLibrary')) ): station_list.append(station) return station_list
[docs] def stations_iter(self, *, page_size=250): """Get a paged iterator of library stations. Parameters: page_size (int, Optional): The maximum number of results per returned page. Max allowed is ``49995``. Default: ``250`` Yields: list: Station dicts. """ start_token = None while True: response = self._call( mc_calls.RadioStation, max_results=page_size, start_token=start_token ) yield response.body.get('data', {}).get('items', []) start_token = response.body.get('nextPageToken') if start_token is None: break
[docs] def stream( self, item, *, device_id=None, quality='hi', session_token=None ): """Get MP3 stream of a podcast episode, library song, station_song, or store song. Note: Streaming requires a ``device_id`` from a valid, linked mobile device. Parameters: item (str): A podcast episode, library song, station_song, or store song. A Google Music subscription is required to stream store songs. device_id (str, Optional): A mobile device ID. Default: Use :attr:`device_id`. quality (str, Optional): Stream quality is one of: - ``'hi'`` (320Kbps) - ``'med'`` (160Kbps) - ``'low'`` (128Kbps) Default: ``'hi'``. session_token (str, Optional): Session token from a station dict required for unsubscribed users to stream a station song. station['sessionToken'] as returend by :meth:`station` only exists for free accounts. Returns: bytes: An MP3 file. """ if device_id is None: device_id = self.device_id stream_url = self.stream_url( item, device_id=device_id, quality=quality, session_token=session_token ) response = self._session.request('GET', stream_url, withhold_token=True) audio = response.content return audio
[docs] def stream_url( self, item, *, device_id=None, quality='hi', session_token=None ): """Get a URL to stream a podcast episode, library song, station_song, or store song. Note: Streaming requires a ``device_id`` from a valid, linked mobile device. Parameters: item (str): A podcast episode, library song, station_song, or store song. A Google Music subscription is required to stream store songs. device_id (str, Optional): A mobile device ID. Default: Use :attr:`device_id`. quality (str, Optional): Stream quality is one of: - ``'hi'`` (320Kbps) - ``'med'`` (160Kbps) - ``'low'`` (128Kbps) Default: ``'hi'``. session_token (str): Session token from a station dict required for unsubscribed users to stream a station song. station['sessionToken'] as returend by :meth:`station` only exists for free accounts. Returns: str: A URL to an MP3 file. """ if device_id is None: device_id = self.device_id if 'episodeId' in item: # Podcast episode. response = self._call( mc_calls.PodcastEpisodeStreamURL, item['episodeId'], quality=quality, device_id=device_id, ) elif 'wentryid' in item: # Free account station song. response = self._call( mc_calls.RadioStationTrackStreamURL, item['storeId'], item['wentryid'], session_token, quality=quality, device_id=device_id, ) elif 'trackId' in item: # Playlist song. response = self._call( mc_calls.TrackStreamURL, item['trackId'], quality=quality, device_id=device_id, ) elif ( self.is_subscribed and 'storeId' in item and ( 'clientId' not in item or re.match( r'^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-([0-9a-fA-F]{4}-){3}[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$', item['clientId'] ) ) ): # Store song. response = self._call( mc_calls.TrackStreamURL, item['storeId'], quality=quality, device_id=device_id, ) elif 'id' in item: # Library song. response = self._call( mc_calls.TrackStreamURL, item['id'], quality=quality, device_id=device_id, ) else: # TODO: Create an exception for not being subscribed or use a better builtin exception for this case. if 'storeId' in item and not self.is_subscribed: msg = "Can't stream a store song without a subscription." else: msg = "Item does not contain an ID field." raise ValueError(msg) try: stream_url = response.headers['Location'] except KeyError: stream_url = response.body['url'] return stream_url
[docs] def thumbs_up_songs(self, *, library=True, store=True): """Get a listing of 'Thumbs Up' songs. Parameters: library (bool, Optional): Include 'Thumbs Up' songs from library. Default: True generated (bool, Optional): Include 'Thumbs Up' songs from store. Default: True Returns: list: Dicts of 'Thumbs Up' songs. """ thumbs_up_songs = [] if library is True: thumbs_up_songs.extend( song for song in self.songs() if song.get('rating', '0') == '5' ) if store is True: response = self._call(mc_calls.EphemeralTop) thumbs_up_songs.extend(response.body.get('data', {}).get('items', [])) return thumbs_up_songs
[docs] def top_charts(self): """Get a listing of the default top charts.""" response = self._call(mc_calls.BrowseTopChart) top_charts = response.body return top_charts
[docs] def top_charts_for_genre(self, genre_id): """Get a listing of top charts for a top chart genre. Parameters: genre_id (str): A top chart genre ID as found with :meth:`top_charts_genres`. """ response = self._call( mc_calls.BrowseTopChartForGenre, genre_id ) top_chart_for_genre = response.body return top_chart_for_genre
[docs] def top_charts_genres(self): """Get a listing of genres from the browse top charts tab.""" response = self._call(mc_calls.BrowseTopChartGenres) top_chart_genres = response.body.get('genres', []) return top_chart_genres